Neighbors in Jackson County, Indiana, take pride in their communities and show it.
A great benefit of living in Seymour-Jackson County is a lower cost of living compared to many areas across the country.
Real estate prices in Jackson County are very affordable with a pleasant mixture of historic homes, modern subdivisions and new housing additions that are conveniently located and well designed. Jackson County has something for every individual taste.
The average price of a home increased 8.4% since 2021 to $184,446, and there were 519 single-family home sales in the marketplace.
Although housing prices rose, Seymour-Jackson County is still very reasonable. This past year, local authorities approved several new housing additions in the Seymour area, including Stoney Run off of Marley Lane with 51 building sites. Cloverleaf Estates on the southeast edge of Seymour with 16 1-acre sites and Quail Creek 2 will comprise 64 building sites for manufactured homes.

Apartment occupancy is quite high in most complexes. The most recent development, Burkart Crossing, provides 260 units available in the Seymour marketplace. In addition, Crossroads Senior Village, a $12.5 million project, opened as a 55-plus income-based community, and Seymour Lofts, a $10 million project, has 50 units for families.