Today’s manufacturing careers demand innovation, creativity and the ability to handle complex challenges.
Partnering with educational institutions and organizations at the local, regional and state level, the Workforce Partnership has been able to generate awareness and establish programs and educational opportunities for students as well as adults.
The Jackson County Workforce Partnership program is paving the way for a skilled and ready workforce for employers in Jackson County.
Organizations and programs the Workforce Partnership is involved with are identified below:

Owl Manufacturing is a student-run manufacturing program designed as a localized way to address the skills gap in advanced manufacturing and engage students in meaningful education. The program, implemented at Seymour High School in 2016, has a mission to:
- Motivate students to be owners in the program
- Teach project management, team building, advanced technical skills and career success principles
- Partner with local businesses for guidance and mentorship
- Build an understanding of the various operations of business
- Emulate real manufacturing operations
For information about Owl Manufacturing, visit

Project Lead The Way is all about teaching and learning. The hands-on, project- and problem-based approach adds rigor to traditional technical programs. Learn more about Project Lead The Way at Engineering, computer technology and biomedical PLTW courses are offered at three high schools in Jackson County. Middle school Gateway to Technology programs are in place at both Seymour and Brownstown. Click to download a Jackson County snapshot of current and projected classes offered in Jackson County schools in PDF format.

,VEX Robotics is designed to envision a world where every student has the opportunity to be inspired by the excitement of hands-on STEM learning and knows the feeling of creating something with technology. Students of all ages and backgrounds can recognize that creative problem solving is fun and see its importance in shaping a better future. There are multiple elementary, middle and high schools along with the Boys & Girls Club and a homeschool group that have registered VEX programs in Jackson County. Jackson County has 1.45 teams per thousand people, the largest in the Indiana, and currently ranks fourth in the state with official VEX teams.
HIRE Technology
Conexus Indiana is an organization focused on accelerating, promoting and growing Indiana’s advanced manufacturing and logistics economy by leading innovative collaborations among industry, academic and public sector partners. HIRE Technology is Conexus Indiana’s advanced manufacturing and logistics curriculum development program that addresses the changing AML workforce landscape by creating a high school-level curriculum geared toward the middle skilled worker. The program rolled out in coordination with the Indiana Department of Education and Ivy Tech Community College, enabling high school students to complete industry-recognized certificates along with college credit. Brownstown Central High School has partnered with Conexus and Ivy Tech and offers a one-year program. Information on Conexus and the HIRE Technology program can be found at

Jobs for America’s Graduates is a comprehensive set of services and curriculum designed to keep young people in school through graduation and improve the rate of success in achieving education and career goals. Brownstown, Crothersville, Medora and Seymour high schools in Jackson County have JAG programs. Information can be found at
Maverick Challenge Jackson County is a program aimed to further develop the innovative spirit by reaching out to high school students and showing them viable career opportunities through entrepreneurship. This is a partnership between JCIDC Workforce Partnership, Jackson County Chamber, Brownstown Ewing Main Street and Seymour Main Street. In addition, students from across Indiana have a hands-on learning opportunity through Innovate WithIN, a pitch competition that serves the state’s entrepreneurial ecosystem by providing programming, pitching and pathways to nurture the next generation of innovators. Information can be found at
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM)
Jackson County middle and high schools have courses centered around science, technology, engineering and math in curriculum, and funding received through the EcO15 initiative will allow schools to expand course offerings in the near future. Click to download a Jackson County snapshot of current and projected classes offered in Jackson County schools in PDF format.

The 21st Century Talent Region initiative is an effort by the Indiana Office of Career Connections and Talent, Indiana Economic Development Corp. and Columbus-based CivicLab that provides technical assistance, seeks to encourage communities in Indiana to work together and uses a systems approach to build and implement a regional plan to increase the region’s population, educational attainment and household incomes. A regional network of communities in southeastern Indiana, including Seymour, was designated a 21st Century Talent Region on Aug. 2, 2019. Information can be found at
There also are excellent statewide opportunities to enhance education and training.
Indiana WorkOne
WorkOne Southeast Indiana has a mission to help Hoosiers in southeast Indiana find and grow in careers that are productive and fulfilling and assist employers in finding the qualified personnel they need to be successful. As part of this mission, Indiana Region 9 Workforce Board works in conjunction with WorkOne and other private, state and federal programs to create educational and technical skills training opportunities for residents in southeast Indiana.
Indiana Department of Workforce Development
Indiana Department of Workforce Development manages and implements innovative employment programs for Hoosiers and unemployment insurance systems and facilitates regional economic growth initiatives for Indiana.