The Workforce Partnership is involved in coordinating and assisting with various activities and programs at all Jackson County school systems.
Career awareness activity scheduling is coordinated through educators, administrators and other school officials, and dates and times vary according to the individual schools. The following are some of the activities with which the partnership has been involved.
National Manufacturing Day
MFG Day aims to showcase the diverse career opportunities available in the manufacturing industry and connect with America’s future workforce— students. Across the country, manufacturers will be hosting students of all ages in their facilities, showcasing our nation’s most iconic industry.
Job Shadowing
Job shadowing affords students the opportunity to spend a day shadowing a professional and learning about the duties and educational skill requirements needed for that particular job. Assignments can be made during the school year as well as during the summer. The program is open to all high school students. More information is available in school guidance departments.
Educator Externship
The Educator Externship is a program designed to establish interaction between educators and industry. The goal is to give educators an opportunity to visit companies in the area, exposing them to workplace skill requirements, including technical and interpersonal. This also gives businesses an opportunity to learn about current curriculum being taught in the schools, concerns/issues of the educators and ways they can assist the educators in preparing students for the workforce. The program is conducted during the summer and is open to educators, guidance counselors and administrators in all Jackson County schools.
Senior Interviews
Professional mock interviews are coordinated at all high schools in Jackson County for senior students. Business people throughout the community assist in this activity, affording students the opportunity to participate in an interview process preparing them for future real interviews. Dates and times are coordinated at each high school.

Career Days, Classroom Speakers, Tours and Lunch & Learns
Career days, classroom speakers, company tours and lunch and learns are scheduled for schools in Jackson County throughout the school year. Whether career days are set up as booth displays or classroom presentations, students are given the opportunity to see, hear and read about the countless career opportunities available to them in Jackson County. Representatives from various businesses and industries present their expertise to the students with company displays and product or service, job opportunities, educational attainment needed and a great opportunity for business/education interaction. Company tours compliment the in-school activities by allowing students to visit businesses and see production in action.
Career College Transition Fair
The first Industry Possibility and Opportunity Day (now the Career College Transition Fair) was held in 2008 with Jackson County companies participating in a manufacturing career awareness day held in the Seymour High School auxiliary gym. That has transitioned to include manufacturing companies, educational institutions, military, health care, businesses and community services setting up booth space, marketing their company and speaking with students from six high schools about career opportunities and the training and skill levels needed for employment. This is an annual event held in April.
For information about current activities and programs and how we can help, contact the JCIDC Workforce Partnership office.