Jackson County Industrial Development Corporation

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Local HR representatives interact with student panel

March 13, 2025

By Zach Spicer

We tried something different for the quarterly meeting of the Jackson County HR group March 13.

JCIDC intern Parker Thompson was tasked with putting together a panel of his peers to give local human resources representatives an opportunity to hear how Work Based Learning and JCIDC Workforce Partnership activities have benefited them in high school.

Parker and fellow Seymour High School seniors Greer Henry, Brady Harpe, Trevor Goecker and Justin Laiz had an opportunity to ask the HR reps questions, and the HR reps were able to ask them questions. The panelists’ future plans include going to college, joining the military or entering the workforce in the skilled trades.

After that, attendees were led on a tour of the Seymour Ag-Science and Research Farm in the Freeman Field Industrial Park by administrator Joy Stuckwisch. Stops included the expanded space housing more classrooms, a machining lab, a welding lab, a food lab and the greenhouse.

Thanks to Parker, Greer, Brady, Trevor and Justin for being part of the panel, and thanks to the HR reps and Seymour Community School Corp. officials who attended.


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